Digital CRM by Christian Gründig


Need for CRM 
The power of Love

Digital influences consumer relations
Online Media screams loud to grab attention
Marketers invest in the first date, but will your consumer come back?
Only love is durable and valuable

Love is not an emotion but a mind-set. 
And as a mind-set, it is actually stronger than emotion (Martin Shein)

Do you love your consumer?

Christian Gründig 
loves your consumer

Creating data driven digital Consumer Value
  • > 20 years in CRM and Marketing
  • > 40 CRM projects for brands
  • Proven expert for profitable CRM with track record in generating CLV
  • Knows all perspectives of CRM Building
  • Strategic CRM C-Level Consultant for Blue Chips
  • Draw and own CRM in leadposition in consultancy, industries, digital agency and freelance
  • Hands on realization, agile and always curious

Design and deliver your CRM Strategy

Do you really treat your different consumers different? Is your CRM 1.0 still on track? Let's talk about a re-brush...

Define and develop consumers CLV

As Bezos´said "You cannot really do the right thing for customers if you're short term oriented." Become a consumer companion alongside the whole consumer lifecycle...

Delight and drive Retention

CRM in digital age is more than throwing out candies. Personalized and added values are the trigger. Create unique experiences and reward loyalty as proof of love...
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